Life will never be the same again

When the Corona virus pandemic hit South Africa in March 2020, we had less than 10 days to prepare for Lockdown. The shock, disbelief and fear were overwhelming. Suddenly, we were faced with a situation that would change our lives forever. Life will never be the same again. The loss of one’s spouse has a similar effect. Shock from the trauma, disbelief that he is gone and fear for the future are overwhelmingly difficult to confront. You do not need to make any long-term changes yet. Take one day at a time. Handle each day according to what that day presents. One task at a time. If a task or challenge is too overwhelming, set it aside for another day, Slowly, you will begin to work out a new routine, sometimes without even realizing it.

Doing life Alone

Have any of you gotten used to doing things alone? Many find this a very difficult transition.


Carol shares: “My husband has been gone nearly a year and I am becoming a hermit.  I don't go out to eat alone, to the movies or anywhere except church.  And even when at church, I can’t wait to return to the safety of my home.  Grocery shopping is no longer any fun, as I used to love preparing dinners for him.  Now there is no need. A cheese sandwich or mug of soup is all I need.  I lived alone for many years before I got married.  Back then, I was young and care-free.  I had a large friendship group and never spent a weekend on my own.  Gradually, we got married and moved off in different directions.  New friends made through the years, are married and have lives of their own.  I have never felt so alone in my life, as I do right now”


Making new friends, who are also widows, will help you to fill the void of loneliness.  Find out who the widows are in your church or neighbourhood.  Reach out to them and invite them to meet you for coffee.

In the left hand column of this page, you will find information on how to start a widow’s support group.  Someone has to take the first step…. Let it be you.


The book of Ruth in the Bible, is about 2 widows who supported each other – Naomi and Ruth.  It is a lovely, encouraging story.


Father God, please help me and guide me as I reach out to other widows.  Fill my heart with love and understanding and we strive to bring other widows together to form new friendships and support.  Thank You.  In Jesus Name. Amen.


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