Life will never be the same again

When the Corona virus pandemic hit South Africa in March 2020, we had less than 10 days to prepare for Lockdown. The shock, disbelief and fear were overwhelming. Suddenly, we were faced with a situation that would change our lives forever. Life will never be the same again. The loss of one’s spouse has a similar effect. Shock from the trauma, disbelief that he is gone and fear for the future are overwhelmingly difficult to confront. You do not need to make any long-term changes yet. Take one day at a time. Handle each day according to what that day presents. One task at a time. If a task or challenge is too overwhelming, set it aside for another day, Slowly, you will begin to work out a new routine, sometimes without even realizing it.

Grief Triggers


Country music and hits from yester-year trigger emotions from deep within my sub-conscious.  It got so bad, that I had to make the choice to be careful what music I listen to.  Going back to our favourite holiday spot was also difficult the first time.  I went and sat on the rocks, staring out over the sea, where the Atlantic and Indian oceans meet, and I cried. I imagined seen him on the rocks, strolling along the boardwalks, watching the sunsetting over the fishing harbour, and I cried some more.  I may have added a litre or two of tears to the ocean that day.  But now I can return there, and I have done so a few times, and I seldom cry.


Somewhere along the way a memory might trigger a significant grief reaction.  Let the tears flow. Tears help with the healing process. You will be stronger and better on the other side. 


You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in Your bottle. You have recorded each one in Your book.  Psalm 56 : 8


Father God, Your Word says there is a time to cry and a time to laugh. Help me to accept my tears and to deal with the things that trigger my grief.  Knowing that You keep tract of my tears, is such a blessing to me. Thank You for this promise.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen! (Ecclesiastes 3:4).