Life will never be the same again

When the Corona virus pandemic hit South Africa in March 2020, we had less than 10 days to prepare for Lockdown. The shock, disbelief and fear were overwhelming. Suddenly, we were faced with a situation that would change our lives forever. Life will never be the same again. The loss of one’s spouse has a similar effect. Shock from the trauma, disbelief that he is gone and fear for the future are overwhelmingly difficult to confront. You do not need to make any long-term changes yet. Take one day at a time. Handle each day according to what that day presents. One task at a time. If a task or challenge is too overwhelming, set it aside for another day, Slowly, you will begin to work out a new routine, sometimes without even realizing it.

Funeral Planning


The day my husband passed away, was a public (bank) holiday.  Early the following morning, my son and I went to the funeral home to begin the planning for the funeral.  As we sat in the waiting room, questions began to fill my mind. “What am I doing here?”,   “Why do I have to do this?”,   “How am I supposed to plan a funeral for my Belovéd?”

The undertaker was a wonderfully, kind gentleman.  We were offered a cup of tea and sat down to discuss the way ahead.  He listened carefully as I explained the ideas that my now late husband and I had discussed.  He offered some practical suggestions and was a real strength to us.


Here are a few things that I wish I had known:

* It is going to be a long and tiring day.  You will need the energy provided by a healthy breakfast.   Make sure you eat!

* Take along all relevant paperwork.  Identity document, Notice of Death etc.  Read the Notice of Death carefully to make sure the information is correct.  My late husband’s birth date was written is as his date of death!!!!

*If the funeral home / undertaker offers you a cup of tea during this planning meeting, accept!

*we will cover burial vs cremation in another post.


The Burial of Jesus

Now there was a good and righteous man named Joseph. He was a member of the Jewish high council,  but he had not agreed with the decision and actions of the other religious leaders. He was from the town of Arimathea in Judea, and he was waiting for the Kingdom of God to come.  He went to Pilate and asked for Jesus’ body.  Then he took the body down from the cross and wrapped it in a long sheet of linen cloth and laid it in a new tomb that had been carved out of rock.  This was done late on Friday afternoon, the day of preparation, as the Sabbath was about to begin.   As his body was taken away, the women from Galilee followed and saw the tomb where his body was placed.  (Luke 23)


Father, Your Word says that if anyone lacks wisdom, let Him ask of You and you will answer.  Lord, I need wisdom today as I need to make big decisions and I don’t even know where to start. Please let me know the comfort of the Holy Spirit today.

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