Life will never be the same again

When the Corona virus pandemic hit South Africa in March 2020, we had less than 10 days to prepare for Lockdown. The shock, disbelief and fear were overwhelming. Suddenly, we were faced with a situation that would change our lives forever. Life will never be the same again. The loss of one’s spouse has a similar effect. Shock from the trauma, disbelief that he is gone and fear for the future are overwhelmingly difficult to confront. You do not need to make any long-term changes yet. Take one day at a time. Handle each day according to what that day presents. One task at a time. If a task or challenge is too overwhelming, set it aside for another day, Slowly, you will begin to work out a new routine, sometimes without even realizing it.

Normal, what is normal now?


A few weeks after my husband died, my daughter and I went to visit friends in another town.  I had recently discovered that other friends from my hometown, whom I had last seen in my youth, had retired here.  I made contact with this couple and arranged to meet for dinner.  They had lost their only son to a heart attack, some years before and knew what grief did to one.  He asked me: “When do you think things will get back to normal?”.  What a silly question, I thought.  How am I supposed to answer? I replied:  “What is normal?”.  He said that was the answer he was hoping I would give as nothing would ever be the same normal anymore.  He went on to encourage me to begin looking for my own new normal.

When the pandemic hit the world in 2020, the words “new normal” became part of everyone’s vocabulary!.  We were all challenged to adapt to survive through the virus.  The “new normal” after the loss of a loved-one is similar but very different.  Life will never be the same again but discovering one’s new normal alone, is not easy.


A collage is a wonderful way to sort out one’s thoughts about the future.

You will need:  A poster board; old magazines; glue stick; scissors; felt tip pen

*Divide the board into 8 blocks.  Add the following headings to the blocks.

*Career/Retirement; Health; Money; Family; Friends; Leisure/Vacation; Home Environment; Personal Growth.

*Find pictures which represent your thoughts and ideas for each heading.  Paste the relevant pictures in the blocks.

*Keep the poster as a reminder in the days and months ahead. 


For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11


Father God, thank You that You have a purpose for my life.  Please guide me as I dream about and plan my future. Amen.


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